Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG)

Data analytics offer consumer products companies a significant advantage to quickly identify and act on key consumer trends and preferences.


  • Gain insights to drive loyalty
  • Assess trends for marketing and promotions
  • Utilize data to manage inventory performance
  • Cost-effectively pursue leads and sales opportunities

Our Expertise

  • Comprehensive business intelligence analysis
  • Leading edge AI & machine learning solutions
  • Microsoft cognitive services
  • Microsoft automated machine learning


Professionals in the Business Services industry must manage stringent regulatory
requirements, increased competition, additional pressure to differentiate their organization
in the marketplace, and attract and retain customers.


  • Sales, marketing, and HR talent
  • Risk and compliance expertise
  • Proven sales methodologies
  • Digital marketing best practices

Our Expertise

  • Streamline inefficiencies
  • Implement a risk management program
  • Decrease the “lead to close” process through a best-in-class framework
  • Create a business intelligence platform for enhanced visibility

and Defense

Aerospace and Defense supply chains face challenges with procuring
raw materials, building complicated parts and components, and offering
secondary services inclusive of specialized finishes and treatments. There
is an imperative for supply chain and inventory management solutions to
remain flexible and resilient.


  • Innovation on the shop floor
  • Better customer experience online
  • Stronger engagement
  • A supply chain system that has the accuracy to fulfill orders

Our Expertise

  • Optimize your supply chain systems and processes
  • Improve sourcing and procurement
  • Create vendor risk management programs to ensure suppliers &
    subcontractors maintain regulatory and security compliance.